Office of Student Life

Student Involvement

Buck-I-SERV is an exciting opportunity for students at all levels to serve, lead and make a difference. Any student on the Columbus campus who has paid the Student Activity Fee is eligible to apply as a Buck-I-SERV participant, leader or board member. Participant and leader applications are accepted for each trip cycle, while board member applications are accepted on a yearly basis in January. Any form of participation in Buck-I-SERV will provide students with meaningful leadership development and personal growth opportunities. We encourage students to review each of our Buck-I-SERV roles to find the best fit for them!

Apply to be a Buck-I-SERV participant or leader today!

Student Participants 

Buck-I-SERV is an exciting opportunity for students at all levels to travel, learn and serve. Any undergraduate or graduate student on the Columbus campus who has paid the Student Activity Fee is eligible to apply for a Buck-I-SERV trip. These unique, week-long group service experiences connect students with community-identified needs across the country and internationally. Participants provide meaningful service with community partners and engage in interpersonal growth with fellow students. No previous volunteer experience is required and students with unique life experiences are encouraged to apply. 

About Student Participation
  • Application: Interested students can apply for Buck-I-SERV alternative breaks through our application portal
  • Eligibility: Any Columbus campus student who has paid the Student Activity Fee is eligible to apply for participation in a Buck-I-SERV alternative break. Graduating students may not participate in trips which occur directly after their graduation. 
  • Expectations: Student participants are expected to meet all Buck-I-SERV trip deadlines and attend all pre- and post-departure meetings. During service, participants must always travel and remain with their group while fully participating in all service and other activities. Buck-I-SERV is a substance free alternative break experience; the use of any substances, including alcohol, is prohibited for all participants regardless of role and age. 
  • Cost: Domestic Buck-I-SERV trips for the 2024-2025 academic year have a participant fee of $500, while international trips will range from $2,000-$3,000. 
  • Funding: Students in need are encouraged to apply for the Buck-I-SERV Access Fund. For students in financial need, please contact Buck-I-SERV for additional resources. 
  • STEP: STEP participants are highly encouraged to utilize their Buck-I-SERV experience as their signature project for which to apply STEP funding. 
  • Sample Expenses: Buck-I-SERV is primarily funded through the Student Activity Fee which allows for all Columbus campus students who have paid the fee to access alternative break trips at a reduced cost to them. Please view our sample expense sheet for a better understanding of our funding structure. 
  • Payment: Participants are expected to submit a deposit of $100 for domestic trips or $200+ for international trips upon accepting a Buck-I-SERV trip offer. Domestic trip participants will submit two additional payments of $200 each, while international trip participants will submit three additional payments of $600+ each. Please contact Buck-I-SERV to discuss payment plan options or the distribution timeline for STEP funds. 
  • Accepted Participants: If you have applied and been accepted for a Buck-I-SERV trip as a participant, please find additional information and next steps on our accepted participant website

Student Trip Leaders 

Each Buck-I-SERV trip is facilitated by at least one student leader who is guided by a Buck-I-SERV Board Member and their respective faculty/staff trip advisor. As a trip leader, students can expect to learn invaluable and transferable skills, coordinate trip logistics, engage in education and reflection, actively participate in all pre- and post-trip meetings and receive a discount on their participant fee. Any interested student, regardless of previous experience, with a willingness to lead and serve is encouraged to apply. 

About Student Trip Leadership 
  • Application: Interested students can apply to be a Buck-I-SERV alternative break trip leader through our application portal
  • Eligibility: There are no requirements, beyond the standard Buck-I-SERV participant expectations, to apply to become a trip leader. 
  • Benefits: Trip leaders will gain communication, program management, facilitation, crisis management, conflict resolution and other skills impactful for the future. Trip leaders also receive a 50% discount on the student participant fee. 
  • Expectations: Trip leaders are expected to actively attend and participate in all pre- and post-trip trainings, coordinate trip logistics, maintain regular communication with others as well as educate and encourage reflection from participants. 
  • Accepted Leaders: If you have applied and been accepted for a Buck-I-SERV trip as a trip leader, please find additional information and next steps on our accepted participant website

Student Board Members

As a part of the Office of Student Life, the Buck-I-SERV Board serves to support the alternative break program. Each year, the Buck-I-SERV Board assists in the coordination, planning and delivery of service opportunities located in different regions around the world. Additionally, the Board facilitates all trainings and events for the Buck-I-SERV community including participants and leaders. The Buck-I-SERV Board position is unpaid. Students who are interested in learning more about service, community engagement, relationship-building, leadership, event planning and mentorship are encouraged to apply. 

About Student Board Membership 
  • Application: Applications for the 2025-2026 Buck-I-SERV board will open in early 2025 on our website
  • Eligibility: Any Ohio State student on the Columbus campus who has paid the Student Activity Fee and is in good standing may apply. Although not required, applications are encouraged from previous Buck-I-SERV participants and leaders. 
  • Benefits: Board members will gain in-depth leadership, project management and program development skills while furthering their individual and professional development through sustained interactions and trainings with community partners and professional staff. 
  • Expectations: Board members will be assigned at least two Buck-I-SERV trips per academic year and are responsible for building relationships with community partners to establish trip logistics, communicating frequently with all service partners and providing guidance for student trip leaders. Board members are expected to actively participate in at least one committee, attend weekly board meetings, attend board training and assist in the coordination of large-scale events. 
  • Accepted Board Members: If you have applied and been accepted as a 2024-2025 Buck-I-SERV board member, please contact Buck-I-SERV for additional information and next steps. 

Learn More About Buck-I-SERV and Participant Opportunities