Office of Student Life

Mount Leadership Society

The Mount Leadership Society is one of sixteen scholars programs on campus. Named after Ruth Weimer Mount (the first Dean of Students at Ohio State), the Mount Leadership Society focuses on students committed to leadership, service, and social change. Students apply for the Mount program as part of their college application and further develop their skills by participating in a wide variety of leadership and service projects. It is an honor to be a Mount Scholar. Only 100 students are selected each year to be part of the program.

The Mount Leadership Society is guided by five essentials: Honor of Integrity, Being Prepared and Following Through, Creating and Nurturing Relationships, Valuing Individuals and Willingness to Teach Others.

Components of the Mount Leadership Society:

  • Early arrival program
  • Residence hall students live together
  • One credit hour seminar class together
  • Leadership training
  • Service projects
  • Mount Summit (leadership conference)
  • Retreats
  • Socials
  • Year of Service focusing on social change (2nd year)
  • Opportunity to interact with alumni, faculty and staff
  • Celebration Ceremony

Find more information about the Mount Leadership Society contact Kathy Krajnak at