Office of Student Life

Frequently Asked Questions


General Buck-I-SERV: 

  • How can I apply? Students interested in participating or leading a trip can apply for Buck-I-SERV alternative breaks here. Faculty, staff or graduate students interested in serving as a Buck-I-SERV trip advisor can apply through our application portal
  • What are the general expectations? Student participant, leaders and faculty/staff advisors are expected to meet all Buck-I-SERV deadlines, attend all pre- and post- departure events, travel as a group throughout the entire trip period and fully participate in all service and other trip activities. 
  • What if I have health concerns that might prevent me from fully participating in a trip? We encourage all students, faculty and staff to attend any Buck-I-SERV trip regardless of health concerns and/or ability, but we do want to ensure you are on a trip that is the best fit for you. For specific health and ability concerns please contact us at and we will be happy to recommend trips and discuss accommodations.  
  • How much does a Buck-I-SERV trip cost? Domestic Buck-I-SERV trips for the 2024-2025 academic year will have a student participant fee of $500, while international trips will range from $2,000-$3,000. Student leaders are provided a 50% discount off the participant fee, while advisors incur no participant fee.  
  • Is there funding available for trip fees? Students in need are encouraged to apply for the Buck-I-SERV Access Fund. For students in financial need, please contact Buck-I-SERV for additional resources. 
  • How are Buck-I-SERV expenses broken down? Buck-I-SERV is primarily funded through the Student Activity Fee which allows for all Columbus campus students who have paid the fee to access alternative break trips at a reduced cost to them. Please view our sample expense sheet for a better understanding of our funding structure.  
  • When do Buck-I-SERV trips happen? Buck-I-SERV trips take place during winter break, spring break and summer break each academic year.  
  • How big are the trips/how many people are on each trip? Trip numbers vary but trips are typically composed of groups of 10-20 total participants, including 1-2 student leaders and 1-2 faculty/staff advisors. Please refer to the trip description list to see how many participants will be on a specific trip.  
  • There are so many Buck-I-SERV trips to choose from, how do I choose? There are many ways to narrow down your choices. We suggest thinking about the service topic/focus, cost, location and distance from Columbus, size of group, time of trip (winter, spring or summer) and how the trip relates to your personal passions or career goals. We encourage you to apply for multiple trips as well and leave yourself open to new experiences. 
  • When will I find out what trip I am assigned to? All trip assignments will be determined approximately two weeks after trip applications are due. Participants, leaders and advisors will be notified via email. Once trip assignment notifications have been sent, the acceptance fee must be paid or a requested interview scheduled within one week. Please check your email regularly. 
  • Will I meet my group before we leave for the trip? Yes, all groups will meet with their group, trip leaders and advisors at least three times before the trip departs. Group meetings are a great time to get to know the people you will be serving with, learn about your site and location, hear about the week’s schedule and have your questions answered. It is an expectation of Buck-I-SERV that you attend! 
  • Are Buck-I-SERV trips substance free? Yes. All participants, trip leaders and advisors are prohibited from consuming, purchasing and possessing alcohol and/or drugs during all Buck-I-SERV events and trips including all individuals over the age of 21. Failure to follow the Buck-I-SERV alcohol and drug policy will result in immediate removal from all trips.  
  • I have friends/family that live near the location of my trip, can I see them or have them join our group for dinner? Group members, leaders and advisors cannot skip group activities (including service activities, reflection, group dinners, etc.). Visits during free time must be approved by trip leaders and advisors. Keep in mind the purpose of the trip is to engage with your group and site. 
  • What is the schedule for each day of the trip? Each day will vary depending on the trip you choose. Broadly, Buck-I-SERV trips consist of two days of travel and five days of service. You can expect to have full days of service and also half-days of service. Hours of service and service type vary depending on the needs of your site and organization. In addition to service hours, Buck-I-SERV encourages groups to explore their location by visiting historical sights, museums, local restaurants, parks and additional attractions unique to the area. 
  • I see many trips travel by van or rental vehicle, do I have to drive? Each trip that includes a van for transportation will need the group to have at least two drivers who must be over the age of 21 and have a valid driver’s license. For other rental vehicles, drivers must be over the age of 18. If you are uncomfortable driving the trip will not expect you to drive. Drivers can be participants, leaders and/or advisors.  
  • I have been accepted to a Buck-I-SERV trip, what do I do next? If you have applied and been accepted for a Buck-I-SERV trip as a participant, leader or advisor, please find additional information and next steps on our accepted participant website.  

Student Trip Participants: 

  • How can I apply to be a participant? Interested students can apply for Buck-I-SERV alternative breaks through our application portal
  • Who is eligible to be a student participant? Any Columbus campus student who has paid the Student Activity Fee is eligible to apply for participation in a Buck-I-SERV alternative break. Graduating students may not participate in trips which occur directly after their graduation. 
  • Can I go on a summer trip if I graduate in May or a winter trip if I graduate in December? No, graduating students are not eligible to go on trips after they have received their degree.  
  • How are participants selected for trips? Trip participants are selected through a randomized process based on application numbers and preferences.  
  • Can my friend and I be assigned to the same trip? The short answer is no. We randomly assign participants to trips based on their preferences and community needs, so there is no way to ensure that you and a friend end up on the same trip. However, Buck-I-SERV trips are an amazing opportunity to step outside of your comfort zone and make new friends along the way.  
  • What are the participant expectations? Student participants are expected to meet all Buck-I-SERV trip deadlines and attend all pre- and post-departure meetings for service. During service, participants must always travel and remain with their group while fully participating in all service and other activities. Buck-I-SERV is a substance free alternative break, the use of any substances, including alcohol, is prohibited. 
  • Will I miss any days of class? Buck-I-SERV trips do not travel on days where class is in session with very few exceptions. No classes will be missed for students enrolled in autumn and spring semesters, unless explicitly noted. Summer trip dates can conflict with certain summer academic sessions.  Please refer to the university’s academic calendar for specific dates.  
  • What is the cost for a participant? Domestic Buck-I-SERV trips for the 2024-2025 academic year will have a participant fee of $500, while international trips will range from $2,000-$3,000.
  • Is there funding available to cover participant fees? Students in need are encouraged to apply for the Buck-I-SERV Access Fund. For students in financial need, please contact Buck-I-SERV for additional resources.  
  • Can I apply my STEP funding to a Buck-I-SERV trip? STEP participants are highly encouraged to utilize their Buck-I-SERV experience as their signature project for which to apply STEP funding. 
  • When is payment due and in what amount? Participants are expected to submit a deposit of $100 for domestic trips or $200+ for international trips upon accepting a Buck-I-SERV trip offer. Domestic trip participants will submit two additional payments of $200 each, while international trip participants will submit three additional payments of $600+ each. Please contact Buck-I-SERV to discuss payment plan options or the distribution timeline for STEP funds. 
  • What if I don’t know anything about the trip location or the service issues we will be engaging? That is no problem! Our trip leaders will make sure you are well informed and prepared for your location and service during pre-trip meetings. A large part of the Buck-I-SERV mission is focused on learning and we encourage you to choose a trip you are eager to learn more about.  
  • Does Buck-I-SERV help me find housing or pay for me to stay in the residence halls if my Buck-I-SERV trip takes place after residence halls have already closed? Unfortunately, no. Please be aware of trip dates and the dates for University Housing residence hall closures. You are responsible for your own arrangements for the time between residence hall opening/closing and the date/time you report to the Ohio Union for your trip departure and trip return.  
  • I have been accepted as a Buck-I-SERV participant, what do I do next? If you have applied and been accepted for a Buck-I-SERV trip as a participant, please find additional information and next steps on our accepted participant website

Student Trip Leaders: 

  • How do I apply to be a trip leader? Interested students can apply to be a Buck-I-SERV alternative breaks trip leader through our application portal
  • Who is eligible to be a trip leader? There are no requirements, beyond the standard Buck-I-SERV participant expectations, to apply to become a trip leader. 
  • Can I go on a summer trip if I graduate in May or a winter trip if I graduate in December? No, graduating students are not eligible to go on trips after they have received their degree.  
  • How are leaders selected for trips? Trip leaders are selected based upon an evaluation of application essay/short answer responses, trip preferences and possibly an in-person interview process.  
  • What are the benefits for a trip leader? Trip leaders will gain communication, program management, facilitation, crisis management, conflict resolution and other skills impactful for the future. Trip leaders also receive a 50% discount on the student participant fee. 
  • What are the expectations of a trip leader? Trip leaders are expected to actively attend and participate in all pre- and post-trip trainings, coordinate trip logistics, maintain regular communication with their trip mentor and community partner as well as educate and encourage reflection from participants. 
  • Will I miss any days of class? Buck-I-SERV trips do not travel on days where class is in session with very few exceptions. No classes will be missed for students enrolled in autumn and spring semesters, unless explicitly noted. Summer trip dates can conflict with certain summer academic sessions.  Please refer to the university’s academic calendar for specific dates.  
  • How will I lead a trip when I don’t know anything about the location or the service issues we will be engaging? Student leaders will be provided with a plethora of materials and guidance from Buck-I-SERV Board Members for their trip. Multiple trainings will also be held to prepare student leaders for a successful experience.  
  • Does Buck-I-SERV help me find housing or pay for me to stay in the residence halls if my Buck-I-SERV trip takes place after residence halls have already closed? Unfortunately, no. Please be aware of trip dates and the dates for University Housing residence hall closures. You are responsible for your own arrangements for the time between residence hall opening/closing and the date/time you report to the Ohio Union for your trip departure and trip return.  
  • I have been accepted as a Buck-I-SERV trip leader, what do I do next? If you have applied and been accepted for a Buck-I-SERV trip as a trip leader, please find additional information and next steps on our accepted participant website

Faculty/Staff Advisors: 

  • How can I apply to be an advisor? Interested faculty/staff can apply to be a Buck-I-SERV alternative breaks advisor through our application portal
  • Who is eligible to be an advisor? Advisors must be Ohio State University faculty, staff, graduate or professional students in order to apply. 
  • How are advisors selected for trips? Faculty/staff advisors are selected based on experience and need. Prospective advisors must also schedule a meeting with Buck-I-SERV staff to discuss their interests.  
  • Are there benefits to being a Buck-I-SERV advisor? Trip advisors will deeply engage with a unique group of students, receive support from staff and board members and connect meaningfully with community partners. Trip advisors are not changed a participant fee. 
  • Will I have to take vacation days to be an advisor? Faculty and staff will need to discuss how their Buck-I-SERV experience may fit into their existing work and if vacation days are necessary. There may be instances where supervisors expect that you take vacation to participate as a Buck-I-SERV advisor.  
  • What is expected of the trip advisors? Trip advisors are expected to actively attend and participate in all pre- and post-trip trainings, travel with the students for the entire break, maintain regular communication with others and take a back stage role to allow students to engage in meaningful leadership development. 
  • How will I advise a trip when I don’t know anything about the location or the service issues we will be engaging? Faculty/staff advisors will be provided with a plethora of materials and guidance from Buck-I-SERV staff for their trip. Multiple trainings will also be held to prepare advisors for a successful experience.  
  • I have been accepted as a Buck-I-SERV advisor, what do I do next? If you have applied and been accepted for a Buck-I-SERV trip as a faculty/staff advisor, please find additional information and next steps on our accepted participant website.  

Student Board Members: 

  • When do board applications open? Applications for the 2025-2026 Buck-I-SERV Board will open in early 2025. 
  • Who is eligible to be a Buck-I-SERV board member? Any Ohio State student on the Columbus campus who has paid the Student Activity Fee and is in good standing may apply. Although not required, applications are encouraged from previous Buck-I-SERV participants and leaders. 
  • Are there benefits to being a board member? Board members will gain in-depth leadership, project management, and program development experience while furthering their individual and professional development through sustained interactions and trainings with community partners and professional staff. 
  • What is expected of board members? Board members will be assigned at least two Buck-I-SERV trips per academic year and are responsible for building relationships with community partners to establish trip logistics, communicating frequently with all service partners and providing guidance for student trip leaders. Board members are expected to actively participate in at least one committee, attend weekly board meetings, attend board training and assist in coordination of large-scale events. 
  • I have been accepted as a Buck-I-SERV board member, what do I do next? If you have applied and been accepted as a 2024-2025 Buck-I-SERV Board Member, please contact Buck-I-SERV for additional information and next steps. 


Contact Buck-I-SERV at with any additional questions.