Office of Student Life

Faculty and Staff Advisors

Each Buck-I-SERV trip has a faculty/staff advisor who is guided by Buck-I-SERV professional staff and provides support for trip leaders and participants. As an advisor, faculty/staff can expect to learn from student leaders and participants, coordinate and document trip finances, engage in education and reflection, actively participate in all pre- and post-trip meetings and participate without incurring program fees. Any interested faculty/staff, including graduate and professional students, with a willingness to lead and serve is encouraged to apply. 

Apply to be a Buck-I-SERV advisor today! 

About Faculty/Staff Advising 

  • Application: Interested faculty/staff can apply to be a Buck-I-SERV alternative break trip advisor through our application portal
  • Eligibility: Advisors must be an Ohio State University faculty member, staff member, graduate or professional student in order to apply. 
  • Benefits: Trip advisors will deeply engage with a unique group of students, receive support from staff and board members and connect meaningfully with community partners. Trip advisors are not charged a participant fee. 
  • Expectations: Trip advisors are expected to actively attend and participate in all pre- and post-trip trainings, travel with the students for the entire break, maintain regular communication with others and take a back stage role to allow students to engage in meaningful leadership development. 
  • Accepted Advisors: If you have applied and been accepted for a Buck-I-SERV trip as a faculty/staff advisor, please find additional information and next steps on our accepted participant website

Learn More About Buck-I-SERV and Participant Opportunities