Office of Student Life

Financial Support

Buck-I-SERV provides opportunities for students to travel, learn and serve. The Buck-I-SERV alternative breaks program builds connections with community partners and allows us to increase support through sustained service. Our programs are funded by a combination of the Student Activity Fee allocation and student participant fees. Through these sources, we are able to provide financial support to our community partners during service as well as coordinate transportation, lodging and meals for all trips. In order to sustain and grow the Buck-I-SERV program and increase students' access, we coordinate multiple gift funds. Thanks to the generous contributions of our donors, we have also launched the Student Access Fund to cover student participant fees for those in need. Learn more about Buck-I-SERV's giving needs and how students can apply for financial support below.

Give to Buck-I-SERV today!

Support Buck-I-SERV 

Buck-I-SERV wants to thank our donors for their continued support of our programs, community partners and students. Explore our three Buck-I-SERV gift funds below to learn more about their goals and how to donate. Gifts can be made on a one-time or recurring basis. Buck-I-SERV's primary goal is to increase student access by providing financial support and developing new community partnerships. Any amount is greatly appreciated and will be immensely impactful in supporting our work. Below, please find information on cost benchmarks to guide donations and how to donate to each of our three funds.

Cost Benchmarks

Please note that the amounts listed are generalizations and each trip has unique costs associated.

$250 - Covers one student's meals and activities during trip.

$500 - Covers one student's participant fees for a domestic trip.

$750 - Covers one student's transportation costs during trip.

$2000 - Covers one student's participant fees for an international trip in Central America.

Buck-I-SERV General Fund

Give to the Buck-I-SERV General Fund today!

Supports, expands and improves the Alternative Breaks program which are week-long service trips outside of Columbus that focus on community issues. We encouage giving to the General Fund as funding can be utilized for any program needs, including supporting Student Access Fund.

Buck-I-SERV Travel Assistance Fund

Give to the Buck-I-SERV Travel Assistance Fund today!

Supports travel costs for students participating in the Buck-I-SERV Alternative Break Program through grants, etc. The Travel Assistance Fund is utilized to support the Student Access Fund which covers various portions of students' participant fees.

Buck-I-SERV Disaster Assistance Fund

Give to the Buck-I-SERV Disaster Assistance Fund today!

Supports Buck-I-SERV service trips to areas affected by natural disasters, crises, or unexpected need, with the goal to create a sustained relationship with recovering communities beyond the initial response. Funds may be used for new and existing trips.

Student Access Fund 

The Buck-I-SERV Student Access Fund is committed to increasing the accessibility of our alternative break trips. One component of these efforts is a commitment to reducing financial barriers for participation. The Buck-I-SERV Student Access Fund is open to any student applying for a Buck-I-SERV alternative break trip. The fund can cover up to 100% of a student's participant fees for the trip. It cannot be used for any other expenses that participants may incur during the trip, and students are not guaranteed to receive access funds. The Buck-I-SERV Student Access Fund welcomes and encourages applicants from unique backgrounds and lived experiences who would not be able to access a Buck-I-SERV experience without the fund’s support.

About the Student Access Fund
  • Application: Students can apply for the Student Access Fund by completing the application.
  • Eligibility: Any student can apply for the Student Access Fund. We encourage applications from those would not be able to access Buck-I-SERV experiences without support, but no proof of financial need is required. 
  • Awards: Students are not guaranteed to receive support from the Student Access Fund. The number of awards made and amounts offered are based on the number of applications and funds available.
  • Buck-I-SERV Application: Students must have a Buck-I-SERV participant or leader application submitted before their Student Access Fund application will be reviewed. We encourage students to complete both applications simultaneously.
  • Notification: Students will be notified of their Student Access Fund award status within one week of notification of their trip application status. Students are not guaranteed to receive access funds or to be placed on a Buck-I-SERV trip.
  • Logistics: If awarded access funds, students must submit all other payments (if applicable) by the appropriate deadlines before these funds will be applied. After all other payments are made, Buck-I-SERV will directly apply the access funds for each recipient.
Support the Student Access Fund

Contributions made towards the Buck-I-SERV General Fund and the Buck-I-SERV Travel Assistance Fund are both utilized to support the Student Access Fund.

Learn More About Buck-I-SERV and Participant Opportunities