Office of Student Life

Buck-I-SERV Sample Costs

Domestic Trip Breakdown*

Expenses Estimated Cost
Includes charter bus, rental car, round trip airfare, baggage fees, etc.
Lodging and Food
Includes local accommodations, some meals, etc.
Includes program fees, project supplies, required donation, etc.
Includes any group activities outside of service, hiking, museums, etc.
Buck-I-SERV Trainings and Supplies
Includes required meetings, kick-off, food, t-shirt, water bottle, etc.
Includes incidentals, group necessities, emergencies, etc.
Out of Pocket Student Costs
Includes clothing, medications, toiletries, spending money, etc.
Total* $1500
  Student Program Fee Contribution $500
  Buck-I-SERV Contribution $850
  Out of Pocket Student Costs $150

International Trip Breakdown*

Expenses Estimated Cost
Includes transportation to airport, airfare, baggage fees, etc.
Lodging and Food
Includes local accommodations, all in country meals, etc.
Includes program fees, project supplies, required donation, etc.
Includes any group activities outside of service, hiking, beaches, etc.
Buck-I-SERV Trainings and Supplies
Includes required meetings, kick-off, food, t-shirt, water bottle, etc.
Includes incidentals, group necessities, emergencies, etc.
Out of Pocket Student Costs
Includes passport, clothing, vaccines, toiletries, spending money, etc.
Total* $3350
  Student Program Fee Contribution $2000
  Buck-I-SERV Contribution $1100
  Out of Pocket Student Costs $250

*Costs listed are sample estimates and do not represent any specific Buck-I-SERV trip or exact costs. Also, not all items listed are included in every trip. Please review the information of each trip for additional details. Contact Buck-I-SERV at with any additional questions.