Anitvir Singh Taunque
- Title: Outstanding Senior Award
Antivir Singh Taunque is a biomedical science major from West Chester who is the Founder of OSU Red Saree, a researcher in the Samaranch Lab and a member of Buckeye Leadership Fellows. Noticing a disproportionate number of South Asian people suffering from heart disease, Anitvir took that as a call to action and founded Ohio State’s chapter of Red Saree, a nonprofit dedicated to raising awareness about and mitigating this issue. Through his leadership in the ServUS Volunteering Corp, a sustainability startup he co-founded, Anitvir has also sought ways to help motivate other students to serve and overcome the barriers they may face in the process. After graduation, he will spend a year interning in Washington, D.C., focusing on health policy related to private insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid before attending medical school to pursue his dream of becoming a neurosurgeon and neuroscientist.