Leadership is practiced with groups of diverse people with distinct experiences and worldviews. As such, it is critical for leaders to integrate inclusive practices into their leadership style. Programs focused on Inclusion will help you learn more about diverse identities, power and privilege, and how to be a more inclusive leader.
Schedule of Events:
Monday, October 3
Making a World of Difference: Exploring Multicultural Leadership 6:30-7:30pm Ohio Staters, Inc. Traditions Room (Ohio Union) |
Cultural context shapes leadership practices in many different ways around the world. This session will combine an overview of work by multicultural leadership author Juana Bordas and conversations with local and national leaders to explore differing perspectives on what it means to be a leader. The session will provide participants an opportunity to think about how their identities shape how they work with others, and to learn from real-world leaders who incorporate inclusive, multicultural practices in their everyday leadership practices. Themes: Community Engagement, Inclusion Audience: Undergraduate Students, Graduate/Professional Students, Faculty/Staff |
Buckeyes Making Space: Leadership Strategies for Creating Welcoming and Inclusive Organizational Communities 6:30-7:30pm IN PERSON: Ohio Staters Inc. Traditions Room (Ohio Union) |
One of the many great things about Ohio State is the opportunity to live and learn with others from all across the state, nation, and the world! This highly interactive workshop focuses on making space for new ideas, approaches, and perspectives from the group that can take our student organizations to the next level. During the session, the group will discuss the importance of making space, explore strategies for creating inclusive and welcoming environments, and share stories of what works for making space for others. Themes: Community Engagement, Inclusion Audience: Undergraduate Students Register for this session at: |
Tuesday, October 4
Social Change and Social Justice: What's the Difference? Time TBD Knight House |
Discussing the important characteristics and differences between Social Change and Social Justice, how you can become advocates of both, and how to get involved on campus and within the Columbus community. Themes: Community Engagement, Inclusion Audience: Undergraduate Students, Graduate/Professional Students |
A Critical Look at Leadership Assessment - Can They Do Harm? 1-2pm Room 136, Ramseyer Hall |
Personal assessments are used widely on college campuses and in leadership/career development. They also continue to be a part of professional development in the workforce. Sometimes students/employees are given a choice to participate and sometimes assessment are mandatory. Typically, assessments are presented as a helpful tool grounded in research, but in reality, many assessments are not widely supported by research. Additionally, the results may not be applicable or supported for marginalized populations or are impacted by bias and stereotypes. It is incredibly important that we learn about the critiques of assessments as consumers of this data as we learn more about ourselves. Come learn how to utilize and interpret assessments through a lens of ethics and care. Themes: Personal Exploration, Inclusion Audience: Undergraduate Students, Graduate/Professional Students |
Featured Session: Practicing Everday Leadership 7:30-8:30pm VIRTUAL |
In Student Life, we believe that leadership is not a position, but a process and something that you practice every day. Leadership doesn’t belong to a specific type or person – it is a series of skills that can be learned and developed by anyone. Come to this panel to hear from current leaders across The Ohio State University about how they practice leadership every day. Panelists To Be Announced: Themes: Career Development Community Engagement, Inclusion, Personal Exploration, Wellness Audience: Undergraduate Students, Graduate/Professional Students, Faculty/Staff |
Wednesday, October 5
Lunch and Learn: Inclusive Leadership 11:30am-12:30pm Barbie Tootle Room (Ohio Union) |
Leadership is practiced with groups of diverse people with distinct experiences and worldviews. As such, it is critical for leaders to integrate inclusive practices into their leadership style. Come to this lunch and learn to explore more about how you can be an inclusive leader. Food is provided Themes: Inclusion Audience: Undergraduate Students, Graduate/Professional Students |
Words Matter! Inclusive Language and our Buckeye Community 8-9pm VIRTUAL |
This program is designed to introduce participants to the concept of inclusive language. Participants will navigate different examples of inclusive language, how to address language concerns in their friend groups and/or organizations, and how it can be used to foster community and support fellow Buckeyes. Themes: Inclusion Audience: Undergraduate Students, Graduate/Professional Students Register for this session at: |
Thursday, October 6
Why Don't You Understand Me? 2-3pm Interfaith Prayer and Reflection Room (Ohio Union |
This workshop centers on communication across difference. Specifically, participants will discuss the differences between debate, discussion and dialogue and learn tools to more actively participate in the dialogue. Participants will identify ways to create spaces for dialogue and recognize how identity shows up in spaces and conversations. Themes: Inclusion Audience: Undergraduate Students, Graduate/Professional Students, Faculty/Staff |
Pop Up Leadership Challenge 3-4pm TBD |
Engage with a community partner to solve a real world issue/challenge facing their organization with a group of students from across campus in this pop-up challenge. Themes: Career Development, Community Engagement, Inclusion, Personal Exploration Audience: Undergraduate Students, Graduate/Professional Students, Faculty/Staff |
Friday, October 7
Good Neighbor Workshop 10-11am VIRTUAL |
Join Sorority and Fraternity Life and Off-Campus and Commuter Student Engagement for an engaging session on how to be a good neighbor! Take the initiative in becoming a civically engaged leader in your community – by educating yourself! You will have the opportunity to ask questions, meet other neighbors and receive support as you begin on your community leadership journey. Themes: Community Engagement, Inclusion Audience: Undergraduate Students, Graduate/Professional Students |