Office of Student Life

Agency Information

We are currently accepting agencies for our 2023 Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. If your agency is interested in partnering with Pay It Forward this year, the registration form can be accessed at the following link:

Please note that we will only be accepting applications of service sites that are within a 15-minute driving radius of The Ohio Union located at 1739 N. HIgh Street, Columbus, OH 43210 and for Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service we only accept indoor service site options. This service event will take place Monday, January 16th, 2023. You can expect students to arrive at your agency's location on buses between 10AM and 10:30AM on this day to serve at your location. They will be picked up from your site between 12PM and 12:30PM. After you complete this form, you will receive further communication in the coming weeks. If you have any questions, please reach out to