Office of Student Life

Becca Powers

  • Title: Stanley D. Gottsegen Leadership Award

A senior earning her B.S from the Fisher College of Business with a Specialization in HR and Minor in Psychology, Becca Powers calls Columbus home. As the Senior Director of Operations within The Undergraduate Student Government (USG) at Ohio State, her passion is deeply rooted in a fundamental belief in students serving students, especially beyond the classroom experience. She has given her time and energy to USG because she wants to create an environment where every student feels valued, heard, and capable of actively contributing to the university community. She has worked hard to create both operational efficiency and community building endeavors that will long outlast her tenure in USG. Becca plans to use the leadership skills she has built, such as empathy and understanding for diverse perspectives within a large and dynamic student body, in her full-time role with Abercrombie’s corporate headquarters after graduation.